
Roque is Determined To Push Through With Universal Healthcare LawRoque is Determined To Push Through With Universal Healthcare Law

Roque is Determined To Push Through With Universal Healthcare Law

Philippines - The UniTeam senatorial competitor Harry Roque said he would guarantee the full execution of the Universal Health Care…

April 26, 2022
Working On New Fundamental PlacesWorking On New Fundamental Places

Working On New Fundamental Places

Thailand - The joint working boards of trustees pointed toward working out fundamental places in a structure for extra adjusts…

January 17, 2022
As House Rushes Employment Bill to Final Level, Jakarta Braces for Major ProtestsAs House Rushes Employment Bill to Final Level, Jakarta Braces for Major Protests

As House Rushes Employment Bill to Final Level, Jakarta Braces for Major Protests

As the House of Representatives and the government voted to sign it into law in Monday's plenary session, trade unions…

October 6, 2020
Ministry of Energy agrees for electricity bills to be measured for reductionMinistry of Energy agrees for electricity bills to be measured for reduction

Ministry of Energy agrees for electricity bills to be measured for reduction

The Energy Minister, Sontirat Sontijirawong, says a meeting of the cabinet ministers today acknowledged measures to reduce electricity bills for…

April 23, 2020