
Thai Government Promises Transparency in $58B Stimulus PackageThai Government Promises Transparency in $58B Stimulus Package

Thai Government Promises Transparency in $58B Stimulus Package

After administration officials promised transparency, the Thai Government unanimously passed a U.S. $58 billion (1.8 trillion baht) stimulus package. The…

June 5, 2020
Unemployees will be compensated as per ministry of LabourUnemployees will be compensated as per ministry of Labour

Unemployees will be compensated as per ministry of Labour

According to Labour Ministry criteria, employees affected by Covid-19 fall into two groups. The first covers those whose businesses were…

April 11, 2020
1.19 billion baht injection with no first, first served system1.19 billion baht injection with no first, first served system

1.19 billion baht injection with no first, first served system

According to the Thai cabinet meeting of the injection fund for the Corona virus victims for the third phase of…

April 7, 2020
B400bn injection shot given green lightB400bn injection shot given green light

B400bn injection shot given green light

The cabinet has given the green light to a stimulus package expected to inject 400 billion baht into the economy…

March 11, 2020