
Public Activity Prohibitions is being Strengthened by Jokowi in this Trying TimesPublic Activity Prohibitions is being Strengthened by Jokowi in this Trying Times

Public Activity Prohibitions is being Strengthened by Jokowi in this Trying Times

President Joko Widodo emphasized the micro or local-level enforcement of public activity prohibitions. The president issued instructions at the small…

February 4, 2021
A Mangrove Ecosystem in the Nation is Established and Currently being StrengthenedA Mangrove Ecosystem in the Nation is Established and Currently being Strengthened

A Mangrove Ecosystem in the Nation is Established and Currently being Strengthened

Progress has set its thing in Pasuruan city, East Java, as part of efforts to avoid coastal abrasion and a…

February 3, 2021
Indonesia is Focused in Boosting the Economic Growth More than Ever BeforeIndonesia is Focused in Boosting the Economic Growth More than Ever Before

Indonesia is Focused in Boosting the Economic Growth More than Ever Before

In addition to triggering serious public health issues, the current COVID-19 pandemic has also devastated the economies of numerous countries,…

February 2, 2021
President Jokowi Strengthens Stunt Avoidance and Household Resilience in the CountryPresident Jokowi Strengthens Stunt Avoidance and Household Resilience in the Country

President Jokowi Strengthens Stunt Avoidance and Household Resilience in the Country

The National Population and Family Planning Department have been charged by President Joko Widodo with handling stunt avoidance. The Head…

January 28, 2021
Jokowi Warm Welcome for the Start of Sharia Economic Brand in the CountryJokowi Warm Welcome for the Start of Sharia Economic Brand in the Country

Jokowi Warm Welcome for the Start of Sharia Economic Brand in the Country

Surprisingly, The sharia economy which is the impetus of Indonesia's economic recovery could become the "new wave" of the Indonesian…

January 27, 2021
Jokowi is Amused on the Efforts of BKPM for the Investment Process in the CountryJokowi is Amused on the Efforts of BKPM for the Investment Process in the Country

Jokowi is Amused on the Efforts of BKPM for the Investment Process in the Country

Amidst the pandemic, there are 56 major companies and 196 micro, small and medium enterprises, the Investment Coordinating Board promotes…

January 19, 2021
China Supports Indonesia for being the Next Regional Hub for SinovacChina Supports Indonesia for being the Next Regional Hub for Sinovac

China Supports Indonesia for being the Next Regional Hub for Sinovac

Amidst the combat against pandemic, China has expressed support for Indonesia to become a regional hub for the production of…

January 16, 2021
As Promised, Jokowi Will Receive the Vaccine First Prior to the Approval of SinovacAs Promised, Jokowi Will Receive the Vaccine First Prior to the Approval of Sinovac

As Promised, Jokowi Will Receive the Vaccine First Prior to the Approval of Sinovac

The Indonesian Food and Drug Monitoring Agency  approved a COVID-19 vaccine produced for emergency use by China's Sinovac Biotech, the…

January 13, 2021
Jokowi Unstoppable in Strengthening Agriculture in the CountryJokowi Unstoppable in Strengthening Agriculture in the Country

Jokowi Unstoppable in Strengthening Agriculture in the Country

It is important to expand the agricultural sector on a vast economic scale, on food lines, through the optimum use…

January 12, 2021
The Tragedy of 2021: Jokowi Shares Great Sympathy for the Sriwijaya Plane CrashThe Tragedy of 2021: Jokowi Shares Great Sympathy for the Sriwijaya Plane Crash

The Tragedy of 2021: Jokowi Shares Great Sympathy for the Sriwijaya Plane Crash

President Joko Widodo shared strong sympathy for the crash of the Sriwijaya Air plane in the waters of the Seribu…

January 10, 2021