Commuter train: passengers required to wear long sleeve clothes, 50 free buses to anticipate crowd at stationCommuter train: passengers required to wear long sleeve clothes, 50 free buses to anticipate crowd at station

Commuter train: passengers required to wear long sleeve clothes, 50 free buses to anticipate crowd at station

People come together in crowds, we are more likely to come into close contact with others and it is more…

July 20, 2020
New normal on commuter line in midst of pandemic, check the rulesNew normal on commuter line in midst of pandemic, check the rules

New normal on commuter line in midst of pandemic, check the rules

The Indonesian government in the near future will implement new normal which will become the new order of life amid…

May 29, 2020
Pandemic Covid-19: Social restriction and compulsory face masks wearingPandemic Covid-19: Social restriction and compulsory face masks wearing

Pandemic Covid-19: Social restriction and compulsory face masks wearing

The National Disaster Mitigation Agency (BNPB) spokesman Agus Wibowo introduced on Sunday that the "large-scale social restrictions” protocol, or PSBB,…

April 6, 2020