A New Strategy Over Prevent of CorruptionA New Strategy Over Prevent of Corruption

A New Strategy Over Prevent of Corruption

Indonesia - Indonesia's National Resilience Institute (Lemhannas) affirmed that the public authority is presently fostering an information base as a…

November 29, 2021
A Major Blow for Undermining of Anti-Graft MovementA Major Blow for Undermining of Anti-Graft Movement

A Major Blow for Undermining of Anti-Graft Movement

Once again, the Supreme Court came under fire for weakening the anti-graft movement, this time in a recent case analysis…

October 2, 2020
Ex-KPK Chairman Questions the Execution of Rp 546 billion Evidence from Bank Bali CaseEx-KPK Chairman Questions the Execution of Rp 546 billion Evidence from Bank Bali Case

Ex-KPK Chairman Questions the Execution of Rp 546 billion Evidence from Bank Bali Case

The Bank Bali scandal which happened more than 20 years ago still left some questions to be answered. The scandal…

August 24, 2020
Son of senior politician gets into argument and reported to police over make phone calls on airplaneSon of senior politician gets into argument and reported to police over make phone calls on airplane

Son of senior politician gets into argument and reported to police over make phone calls on airplane

A son of senior politician Amien Rais, namely, Ahmad Mumtaz Rais, was involved in an argument with the Deputy Chairman…

August 14, 2020
Eid al-Adha, KPK applies online visit for prisonersEid al-Adha, KPK applies online visit for prisoners

Eid al-Adha, KPK applies online visit for prisoners

On Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha, people usually gather with family in their house or relative's house. Conditions are different,…

July 30, 2020
Pre-employment card program attracts Corruption Eradication Commission attention, batch 4 pausedPre-employment card program attracts Corruption Eradication Commission attention, batch 4 paused

Pre-employment card program attracts Corruption Eradication Commission attention, batch 4 paused

The pre-employment card program which is being predicted by the government to help economically affected communities due to the Covid-19…

June 19, 2020
Precaution of Corruption, KPK Highlights COVID-19 Disaster BudgetPrecaution of Corruption, KPK Highlights COVID-19 Disaster Budget

Precaution of Corruption, KPK Highlights COVID-19 Disaster Budget

The central government allows local governments to change the Regional Revenue and Expenditures Budget (APBD) to add budget posts for…

March 19, 2020
Judging Harun-Nurhadi in In-Absentia, KPK reaps CriticismJudging Harun-Nurhadi in In-Absentia, KPK reaps Criticism

Judging Harun-Nurhadi in In-Absentia, KPK reaps Criticism

A number of parties considered the statement of the Deputy Chairperson of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Nurul Gufron to…

March 7, 2020
Relocates the capital city, KPK to supervise to avert corruption practicesRelocates the capital city, KPK to supervise to avert corruption practices

Relocates the capital city, KPK to supervise to avert corruption practices

The Indonesian government plans to relocate the capital city and has set a target to implement the move in 2024.…

March 6, 2020
Through Plenary, I Dewa Kadek Wiarsa Officially Entered the KPUThrough Plenary, I Dewa Kadek Wiarsa Officially Entered the KPU

Through Plenary, I Dewa Kadek Wiarsa Officially Entered the KPU

I Dewa Kadek Wiarsa Rakasandi officially Entered the ranks of the Commissioner of the General Election Commission (KPU) replaces Wahyu…

February 28, 2020