Maria Rosario Vergeire

It’s Not Yet Done: The First Omicron Subvariant BA.2.12. Has Close Contacts in PHIt’s Not Yet Done: The First Omicron Subvariant BA.2.12. Has Close Contacts in PH

It’s Not Yet Done: The First Omicron Subvariant BA.2.12. Has Close Contacts in PH

Philippines - Whenever individuals all over the planet began to endure the worst part of the COVID-19 pandemic in mid-2020,…

April 29, 2022
Sanction Awaits For Those Who Will Give Booster Shots Without Prior Notice From DOHSanction Awaits For Those Who Will Give Booster Shots Without Prior Notice From DOH

Sanction Awaits For Those Who Will Give Booster Shots Without Prior Notice From DOH

The Medical laborers directing COVID-19 booster shots may confront sanctions, the Department of Health shared it recently as it presently…

July 12, 2021
The Significance of Utilization Unit in Manila IntensifiesThe Significance of Utilization Unit in Manila Intensifies

The Significance of Utilization Unit in Manila Intensifies

Surprisingly, The use rate for medical clinics in Metro Manila has gone down, however the general population should keep following…

May 17, 2021