
An Affordable Favor of Molnupiravir for PhilippinesAn Affordable Favor of Molnupiravir for Philippines

An Affordable Favor of Molnupiravir for Philippines

Philippines - The conventional medication producers will make a more reasonable rendition of Merck's against COVID pill for 105 of…

January 21, 2022
India committee approves Merck’s Covid-19 for emergency usageIndia committee approves Merck’s Covid-19 for emergency usage

India committee approves Merck’s Covid-19 for emergency usage

India - According to reports, an expert committee of India's pharma authority approved emergency use authorization (EUA) for Merck's Covid-19…

December 28, 2021
Selected PH Hospitals Were Granted To Use MolnupiravirSelected PH Hospitals Were Granted To Use Molnupiravir

Selected PH Hospitals Were Granted To Use Molnupiravir

Philippines - The Food and Drug Administration said molnupiravir, an enemy of viral medication created by Merck and Co and…

October 7, 2021
Thailand Is Determined to Get A Viral Pill for COVID-19Thailand Is Determined to Get A Viral Pill for COVID-19

Thailand Is Determined to Get A Viral Pill for COVID-19

Thailand - Surprisingly, The public authority is in converses with US drugmaker Merck and Co to buy 200,000 courses of…

October 4, 2021