National Sports Council

Malaysia aims 36 gold medals in SEA Games in HanoiMalaysia aims 36 gold medals in SEA Games in Hanoi

Malaysia aims 36 gold medals in SEA Games in Hanoi

ASEAN - The Malaysian team will compete for 36 gold, 35 silver, and 75 bronze medals in the Southeast Asian…

April 29, 2022
Pandelela and Nur Dhabitah to reunite for the SEA Games in HanoiPandelela and Nur Dhabitah to reunite for the SEA Games in Hanoi

Pandelela and Nur Dhabitah to reunite for the SEA Games in Hanoi

ASEAN - Datuk Pandelela Rinong Pamg and Nur Dhabitah Sabri, two of the country's best divers, are scheduled to reprise…

April 6, 2022