New Year Amnesty

Political prisoners in Myanmar not included in the 1,600 released as part of a new year amnestyPolitical prisoners in Myanmar not included in the 1,600 released as part of a new year amnesty

Political prisoners in Myanmar not included in the 1,600 released as part of a new year amnesty

ASEAN - Families of arrested Myanmar protestors were disappointed to learn that political detainees were not among the 1,600 persons freed…

April 20, 2022
Myanmar’s military junta chief Hlaing to take part in the ASEAN summitMyanmar’s military junta chief Hlaing to take part in the ASEAN summit

Myanmar’s military junta chief Hlaing to take part in the ASEAN summit

Myanmar junta leader is set to join the upcoming ASEAN summit this April 24 that will be held in Indonesia…

April 19, 2021