
The Controversial Ivermectin Under Studies for COVID-19The Controversial Ivermectin Under Studies for COVID-19

The Controversial Ivermectin Under Studies for COVID-19

The Department of Health (DOH) has effectively acquired outcomes from the specialists' assessment of ivermectin for COVID-19 treatment, however the…

April 12, 2021
Halting the Regulation of AstraZeneca for AwhileHalting the Regulation of AstraZeneca for Awhile

Halting the Regulation of AstraZeneca for Awhile

The Philippines is briefly halting regulating AstraZeneca's COVID-19 antibodies to those under 60 after the European Medicine Agency (EMA) found…

April 8, 2021
The Long Wait is Over: CoronaVac Finally Arrived and It’s Setting Hope to IndonesiansThe Long Wait is Over: CoronaVac Finally Arrived and It’s Setting Hope to Indonesians

The Long Wait is Over: CoronaVac Finally Arrived and It’s Setting Hope to Indonesians

The most anticipated COVID-19 vaccine finally arrived in Jakarta and it was immediately taken to the headquarters of the state-owned…

December 11, 2020
Returns from Malaysia and has asthma, South Tangerang resident observed for COVID-19Returns from Malaysia and has asthma, South Tangerang resident observed for COVID-19

Returns from Malaysia and has asthma, South Tangerang resident observed for COVID-19

One of South Tangerang resident is being observed in cases of infection with the COVID-19 as the person had just…

March 4, 2020