Trade Minister dismissed after palm oil export disasterTrade Minister dismissed after palm oil export disaster

Trade Minister dismissed after palm oil export disaster

Indonesia - Indonesian President Joko Widodo argued over a series of policy U-turns on palm oil exports when the cabinet…

June 16, 2022
New Party announced by PAN Patron Amien RaisNew Party announced by PAN Patron Amien Rais

New Party announced by PAN Patron Amien Rais

Former National Mandate Party (PAN) patron Amien Rais, a staunch critic of the administration of President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo,  after…

October 5, 2020
Zulhas is considered capable of reducing Amien Rais’s maneuverZulhas is considered capable of reducing Amien Rais’s maneuver

Zulhas is considered capable of reducing Amien Rais’s maneuver

The founder of the National Mandate Party (PAN) Amien Rais made political maneuvers that often injured his own party. It…

March 3, 2020
Amendment to the 1945 Constitution, there is concern that it will bring Indonesia to the Authoritarian EraAmendment to the 1945 Constitution, there is concern that it will bring Indonesia to the Authoritarian Era

Amendment to the 1945 Constitution, there is concern that it will bring Indonesia to the Authoritarian Era

Recently, the Indo Barometer Survey released the results of a 100-day national survey of the Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin administration. As a…

February 17, 2020