People of Representatives

Between budget for handling Covid-19 and 2020 simultaneous regional electionsBetween budget for handling Covid-19 and 2020 simultaneous regional elections

Between budget for handling Covid-19 and 2020 simultaneous regional elections

Election organizers and regional administrations have requested extra funds from the state budget (APBN) for the 2020 simultaneous regional elections…

June 15, 2020
DPR criticizes Ministry of Home Affairs provides access data to 13 Financial Institutions, Elsam: vulnerable to data misuseDPR criticizes Ministry of Home Affairs provides access data to 13 Financial Institutions, Elsam: vulnerable to data misuse

DPR criticizes Ministry of Home Affairs provides access data to 13 Financial Institutions, Elsam: vulnerable to data misuse

Member of the House of Representatives (DPR) Commission I Willy Aditya criticized the Ministry of Home Affairs for providing population…

June 13, 2020