
The Distribution of Resources and Liabilities of Political Office Caught the Political Office’ AttentionThe Distribution of Resources and Liabilities of Political Office Caught the Political Office’ Attention

The Distribution of Resources and Liabilities of Political Office Caught the Political Office’ Attention

Thailand - Previous agent farming and cooperatives serve Capt Thamanat Prompow saw his resources shrivel later he was sacked from…

December 29, 2021
Singapore, Malaysia to start trading electricity under two-year trialSingapore, Malaysia to start trading electricity under two-year trial

Singapore, Malaysia to start trading electricity under two-year trial

Singapore- Energy Market Authority (EMA) has announced that Singapore will import electricity from Peninsular Malaysia under a two-year trial run.…

October 28, 2020
Wary Hong Kongers Shun Coronavirus Tests Backed By ChinaWary Hong Kongers Shun Coronavirus Tests Backed By China

Wary Hong Kongers Shun Coronavirus Tests Backed By China

Hong Kong ‘s plan to test every resident for coronavirus is being hobbled out of the China-backed health scheme by…

September 10, 2020