
The Possibility of Rice Exportation is ProgressiveThe Possibility of Rice Exportation is Progressive

The Possibility of Rice Exportation is Progressive

The Agriculture Ministry expressed that the nation can possibly trade rice during the terrific collect time by virtue of appeal…

March 29, 2021
Govt plans to open 900 thousand hectares of rice fields, will it be effective?Govt plans to open 900 thousand hectares of rice fields, will it be effective?

Govt plans to open 900 thousand hectares of rice fields, will it be effective?

To secure rice stocks, President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo has instructed to open new rice fields in Central Kalimantan. The target…

May 6, 2020
Subsidies for 2.44 million farmers, deficit of basic necessities in some provincesSubsidies for 2.44 million farmers, deficit of basic necessities in some provinces

Subsidies for 2.44 million farmers, deficit of basic necessities in some provinces

The government plans to provide cash and production subsidies for 2.4 million poor farmers, which categorized to be poor across…

April 29, 2020
Rice exports decreaseRice exports decrease

Rice exports decrease

Foreign Trade Department, announced 3.17 million tonnes of the total will be white rice, shipped primarily to the Philippines, Angola,…

February 12, 2020