
The Government Implements the Limits For Purchasing OTC Drugs for FluThe Government Implements the Limits For Purchasing OTC Drugs for Flu

The Government Implements the Limits For Purchasing OTC Drugs for Flu

Philippines - The divisions of wellbeing and of exchange and industry have drawn a buy line on fundamental prescriptions to…

January 11, 2022
“A Plead for Rule Changes in Facing Nationwide Shortage of Ethanol”“A Plead for Rule Changes in Facing Nationwide Shortage of Ethanol”

“A Plead for Rule Changes in Facing Nationwide Shortage of Ethanol”

As hospitals and nursing homes are urgently searching for a hand sanitizer in the midst of coronavirus outbreak, federal regulators…

March 27, 2020
Hospitals Seek Supplies of Face MasksHospitals Seek Supplies of Face Masks

Hospitals Seek Supplies of Face Masks

Owing to the lack of face masks and other personal protective equipment (PPE) in hospitals, front-line health workers are themselves…

March 16, 2020