Tri Rismaharini

The Social Minister is Honored to Appreciate the Humanitarian Works in Handling COVID-19The Social Minister is Honored to Appreciate the Humanitarian Works in Handling COVID-19

The Social Minister is Honored to Appreciate the Humanitarian Works in Handling COVID-19

In the midst of battling over pandemic, Social Minister Tri Rismaharini said thanks to health laborers and volunteers attempting to…

March 24, 2021
Mayor Surabaya Risma bows down in front of doctors, what is Soetomo Hospital response?Mayor Surabaya Risma bows down in front of doctors, what is Soetomo Hospital response?

Mayor Surabaya Risma bows down in front of doctors, what is Soetomo Hospital response?

The problem of the relationship between Surabaya Mayor Tri "Risma" Rismaharini and Dr. Soetomo Regional Public Hospital is still being…

June 30, 2020
Polemic of PCR car in Surabaya in handling the Covid-19 casesPolemic of PCR car in Surabaya in handling the Covid-19 cases

Polemic of PCR car in Surabaya in handling the Covid-19 cases

In the midst of the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, regional leaders are trying to overcome the effects including the handling of…

May 30, 2020