
Twitter has suspended 125,000 accounts “for threatening or promoting terrorist acts,” the website announced on Friday.

Why X (Formerly Twitter) Allows X-Rated Content on its Platform

Previously known as Twitter, the social media site now known as "X," has made the audacious decision to permit X-rated…

June 4, 2024

Elon Musk’s Twitter purchase in jeopardy

US: Elon Musk's $44 billion deal to buy Twitter fell apart late on Thursday (July 7), according to the Washington…

July 8, 2022

Robin Padilla told that ‘English also an official language’

Philippines - Some online users reminded  that  English could be used for public purposes after the newly elected Senator Robin…

June 15, 2022

Malaysia’s Sepak Takraw League to be aired globally in the US

Malaysia - American sports channel, All Sports Television Network, will be introducing sepak takraw to American audiences. This is after…

October 9, 2021

Actress Angel Locsin exposes netizen’s death threat against her

MANILA - Actress Angel Locsin revealed on an Instagram post that she mayhave a "200 million" bounty on her head…

May 21, 2020

Twitter staff to work at home due to virus pandemic risk

Twitter staff across the world were asked to work from home starting Monday in an effort to stop the spread…

March 3, 2020

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