Ukraine Crisis

Outgunned but defiant, Ukrainian twin city defenders await Russian attackOutgunned but defiant, Ukrainian twin city defenders await Russian attack

Outgunned but defiant, Ukrainian twin city defenders await Russian attack

UKRAINE: Mechanic-turned-soldier Artchk helps shore up defenses in the eastern Ukrainian city of Kramatorsk against an expected Russian onslaught while…

July 8, 2022
Indonesia asks G20 to cease Ukraine’s war as Lavrov watchesIndonesia asks G20 to cease Ukraine’s war as Lavrov watches

Indonesia asks G20 to cease Ukraine’s war as Lavrov watches

INDONESIA: An Indonesian Foreign Ministry official urged the G20 to assist end the Ukraine conflict on Friday (Jul 8) at…

July 8, 2022
The Inflation Just StartedThe Inflation Just Started

The Inflation Just Started

Indonesia - The food cost expansion in Indonesia is as yet kept up with at 3.4 percent notwithstanding the nation…

March 13, 2022