Hamzah advises Rohingyas not to be stubbornHamzah advises Rohingyas not to be stubborn

Hamzah advises Rohingyas not to be stubborn

Malaysia - The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) has advised Rohingya people who have UNHCR cards not to…

January 8, 2022
Indonesia will bring stranded Rohingya migrants ashoreIndonesia will bring stranded Rohingya migrants ashore

Indonesia will bring stranded Rohingya migrants ashore

Indonesia - After locals and the world community protested its intention to drive Rohingya migrants into Malaysian seas, Indonesia said…

December 31, 2021
Deportation of 1,200 Myanmar migrants from Malaysia back to the country rocked by military coupDeportation of 1,200 Myanmar migrants from Malaysia back to the country rocked by military coup

Deportation of 1,200 Myanmar migrants from Malaysia back to the country rocked by military coup

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — Despite a military coup in their home country, the Malaysian government will repatriate 1,200 Myanmar…

February 18, 2021
UN says Malaysia should not deport refugees amid concern over Myanmar detaineesUN says Malaysia should not deport refugees amid concern over Myanmar detainees

UN says Malaysia should not deport refugees amid concern over Myanmar detainees

KUALA LUMPUR: The UN refugee agency said on Friday (Feb 12) Malaysia should not deport refugees after Reuters reported that…

February 14, 2021
Rescue of 99 Rohingya Refugees in Aceh, Indonesia collaborates with UNHCR and IOMRescue of 99 Rohingya Refugees in Aceh, Indonesia collaborates with UNHCR and IOM

Rescue of 99 Rohingya Refugees in Aceh, Indonesia collaborates with UNHCR and IOM

The Indonesian government rescued 99 Rohingya refugees who on June 24 entered North Aceh waters. The decision to save them…

June 27, 2020
The View of Hamzah Zainudin to the Status of Rohingyas in the CountryThe View of Hamzah Zainudin to the Status of Rohingyas in the Country

The View of Hamzah Zainudin to the Status of Rohingyas in the Country

The United Nation High Commissioner  Agency(UNHCR) has been working everywhere to secure and support the refugees. Through their work they…

May 1, 2020