Due to the suspected and possible transmission, the parliament has been challenged to face the current situation they are in. That’s why the House Speaker Chuan Leekpai recently demanded none of the congresspersons and MPs who as of late met the Covid-tainted Japanese represetative to Thailand have gotten the infection. In view of this, Mr Chuan shared that he had prompted administrators who were worried that they may have been presented to Covid-19 to step through an examination.
Along with this, He affirmed that a House meeting on April 7-8 to survey the Referendum Act draft would occur as booked, saying parliament had tough enemy of Covid-19 measures set up and no MPs or representatives had been contaminated up until now.
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A feast went to by Ambassador Kazuya Nashida and the parliamentarians was hung on March 22. The represetative tried positive after March 25th. Consequently, Sukit Atthopakorn, a counsel to Mr Chuan, highlighted the dread of Covid-19 transmission was not a sufficient motivation to drop the April 7-8 House gatherings.
For this reason, The Parliament had asked the MPs and legislators who went to take a fast Covid-19 test. The tests were negative. That’s why the counsel came out to explain the matter after Palang Pracharath MP and government boss whip, Wirat Ratanaset, approached the House speaker to delay or skirt the house meeting.
In view of this, One of the legislators who went to the dinner, Somchai Sawangkan posted via online media that his 14-day self-separation period finished on April 5 and nobody at the occasion has tried positive. The service that was held recently was that the representative was being treated at a clinic in the realm and his condition was improving. That’s why the Center for Covid-19 Situation Administration shared that three Japanese nationals were among 87 nearby diseases. It was indistinct whether one of them was the envoy.