Hololive Production is a well-acclaimed VTuber agency and the organiser of “Holo New Year Game Festival 2025” commences today (January 13, 2025-Monday) at 5pm. It is hosted by Towa Towa of the VTuber group. This event celebrates the gaming industry and individuals who are passionately involved in this. The notable things which will take place during this incident are fans encountering their favourite VTubers and they will get the chance to converse with them, it highlights the strengthening of audience and VTubers. It also highlights their gaming skills and camaraderie of Hololive members.
The aim of organising this event during the start of the New Year 2025 is to celebrate the gaming with joy and entertainment which aligns with their large-scale events during the special occasions.
Hololive Production, a Japanese virtual talent agency founded by Tanigo Motoaki who look after a diverse group of VTubers – Virtual YouTubers who entertain the viewers through livestreams, gaming, music, & creative contents using 3D, 2D virtual avatars.
The games which are going to take place between four teams today during the event are ‘Exit 8, PLATE UP!, Fall Guys, Super Mario Party Jumboree, Mari Kart 8DX and Chaining Together’.