Last updated on May 6th, 2021 at 07:10 am
Last year, an eruption occurred for Mount Sinabung sending a huge ash and smoke column 2,000 meters (6,500 feet) into the air, covering local villages in ashes. It was advised that local people living along rivers near the volcano should be on alert for potential lava flows. Officials stated that the eruption could impact air flights, although they did not issue a formal plane advisory to avoid the area at that time.
This year on its second eruption in three days, an Indonesian volcano sprawled a huge ash cloud 5 km into the sky and emitting a thunderous noise and rendering the sky black, the authorities and witnesses stated.
The eruption of Mount Sinabung on Sumatra Island was the second since last Saturday after more than a year of inactivity, as the authorities alerted residents and visitors about potential lava flows. Dramatic morning eruption video filmed by locals shows a massive cloud of dense ash rising from the 2.460 m mountain top in Karo, North Sumatra.
Fachrur Rozi Pasi a resident, stated that the sound was like thunder, it lasted less than 30 seconds. Residents were advised to remain outside the volcano’s 3 km range and wear masks to reduce the effects of volcanic ash falling, the volcanology agency said in a statement. There were no injuries reported and a civil aviation authority spokesperson said flights were still operating in the area.
In fact, the situation is very dark now around Mount Sinabung said Mr Gilbert Sembiring, who was visiting a friend in Naman Teran Kampung when Sinabung erupted. Through this, everyone is hoping that everything will be safe despite the volcano’s activity.