Last updated on May 11th, 2021 at 08:28 am
There are patients who are not related to COVID-19 that needs medical attention and laboratory test to check the state of their health amidst the challenge of lock down. These are the elderly people who have heart problems, high cholesterol, dialysis patients and more complications.
Here’s what the Medical City just launched – “Lab on Wheels”, which provides laboratory services right outside of the hospital premise and visit each homes that needs it. Medical technologists collect the samples at home, check them at the TMC clinical laboratories, and then people can email or fax the reports or get them picked up.
Routine laboratory testing is included, but no Covid-19 testing is permitted, because this must be performed in a tightly regulated environment. The medical technologists receiving the sample will be in PPE equipment for everyone’s safety.
Patients can book an appointment between 8 am and 5 pm, and call the TMC Laboratory at (02) 8 898-1000 ext. 6122 or 6421. They can pay on-site in cash or credit card, online before the scheduled home visit, and by bank transfer through BDO.
With this new strategy as resolution, patients will not be stressed on how they can get to hospitals with ease in their minds since many medical frontliners and hospitals are focused on battling the pandemic coronavirus due to the increasing numbers everyday.
As, Steve Jobs stated, You can’t just ask the clients what they want, and then try to give them that. They will want something new by the time you get it built.
May the “Lab on Wheels” be a successful help for every filipino patients who are in need of medical attention during this Enhanced Community Quarantine.
Salute to all Filipino Medical Front-liners!