The Indonesian Teachers Association (PGRI) again asked the Ministry of Education and Culture led by Nadiem Makarim to create a new curriculum amid the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic.
The request was re-submitted because so far there has been no positive news from the Ministry of Education and Culture regarding this matter.
“PGRI proposes that the government design a practical and applicative ‘School Curriculum in Pandemic Era (KSEP)’ with rational learning targets,” said Chairperson of PGRI Unifah Rosyidi, as quoted by Antara, Saturday, June 6.
In fact, Acting Director-General of Primary and Secondary Education of the Ministry of Education and Culture Hamid Muhammad once said that his party was studying the possibility of creating a curriculum in the midst of a pandemic on May 1. However, until now, the Ministry has not yet made a decision regarding the intended emergency curriculum. Moreover, the new school academic year is getting closer, next July 13.
Nadiem previously said that it was necessary to reconsider in determining the new school year considering the existence of the Covid-19 pandemic. Nadiem said to wait first because he could not give any statement related to this decision.
Unifah believes that there is currently a need for a new curriculum. She said the current curriculum was not optimal when applied to support teaching and learning activities at home.
Therefore, if activities at the school are not yet possible to be carried out in the near future, Unifah proposes that the Ministry of Education and Culture create a new curriculum. It must be certainly appropriate and can be applied optimally for students who study at home.
In addition to the new curriculum, Unifah proposed that the Ministry provide flexibility to schools to arrange learning in accordance with the teaching and learning process at home.
According to Unifah, PGRI also suggested that the government set a minimum standard of education in the midst of a pandemic that was more practical and different from the current National Education Standards (SNP).
The standard covers the achievement of literacy and numeracy competencies of students, learning resources, evaluation and assessment of learning. Unifah believes that changes need to be in the education sector to run optimally in the midst of a pandemic.