Last updated on May 18th, 2021 at 06:01 am
Indonesian government has appointed additional hospitals to handle cases of coronavirus or COVID-19. Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy said now there are 137 appointed hospitals.
“There were initially 100 appointed hospitals, which now has increased to 137. A number of private-owned hospitals have also offered their services to us,” said Muhadjir at the Presidential Palace Complex on Wednesday, March 4.
There are requirements for hospital in order to handle Covid-19 cases, one of those including the availability of an international-standard isolation room and medical equipment that are also up to the task.
The government also has formed a dedicated team to mitigate the spread of coronavirus disease. This team will do task in tracking down those who are exposed to coronavirus suspects.
Muhadjir told the example of a New Zealand national aboard a plane coming from Iran and is transitting in Bali.
“We have tracked down all of them. There were maybe 30 people but they all turned out to be negative [for coronavirus],” he noted.