Last updated on May 6th, 2021 at 08:45 am
Realization of the Merdeka Campus program organized by the Minister of Education and Culture and Higher Education (Mendikbud) Nadiem Makarim will provide Rp1.2 million for students who are apprentices.
According to Plt. Director General of Higher Education Nizam, the money for transportation needs will be given at Rp500 thousand per month. Plus Rp700 thousand, which is indeed obtained by students from the Indonesian Lecture Card (KIP).
Nizam explained, the funds had been budgeted through the Merdeka Campus program budget. Later students who can get the allowance are Bidikmisi Scholarship and Indonesia Smart Card (KIP) Lectures. Funds will be given to universities to be distributed to students who need funds.
“The amount depends on the needs. Around Rp. 500 thousand for transportation assistance. For living expenses, there is already Rp. 700 thousand a month assistance from the KIP for tuition,” said Acting. Director General of Higher Education Kemendikbud Nizam, Friday (21/2).
This allowance is not only for students who undergo an internship program, but also for those who choose other programs, such as serving in the village.
There is a Merdeka Campus policy that is applied by Nadiem to students. He freed students to exchange 40 semester credit units (credits) or the equivalent of two semesters with activities outside the campus. Activities carried out can be internships, village projects, teaching in schools, student exchanges, research, entrepreneurial activities, independent projects or humanitarian projects.
Nadiem himself claimed to get a number of suggestions from students who wanted to participate but were constrained by costs. So this is one thing that Nadiem promised to give an allowance for students in need.
Whereas the KIP Lecture is an advanced program of the Indonesia Smart Card owned by Indonesian President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo. With this program, students can use the KIP Lecture at the SNMPTN 2020 and are free to choose their desired campus and department. The registration itself will open in March, with the requirement that you have a Prosperous Family Card (KKS).