YouTube Turns 20: List of 10 Features You Need to Know!

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youtube turns 20 list of 10 features you need to know!

Today 11th of February marks 20 years of YouTube! A platform that transformed the way that we watch, share and create videos. From its small beginning in 2005 to now becoming a global entertainment giant. YouTube has made countless creators, trends and innovations till now and will also in future!

Youtubers like MrBeast who started as a small creator now use the platform to earn millions and give back to society, funding charity projects, helping the needy and showcasing real world issues to his mass audience. These good deeds from good minded people won’t be possible if YouTube medium is not there.

As YouTube evolved, so did its features which enhanced user experience with hidden tools that many still don’t know about. Let’s celebrate two decades of YouTube by unlocking these hidden gems!

List of 10 YouTube Features:

FeatureWhat It DoesHow to Enable/Use It
1Create GIFs from VideosConverts part of a video into a GIF.Add “gif” before “youtube” in the video URL.
2Transcribe VideosGenerates a text transcript of a video.Click the three-dot menu below the video > “Show transcript.”
3Use Stats for NerdsDisplays video details like resolution, buffering info.Right-click on the video > Select “Stats for nerds.”
4YouTube ExperimentsAccesses new experimental features before public release.Available for YouTube Premium users under “Settings.”
5Link Sharing at a Specific TimeStarts a shared video at a chosen timestamp.Click “Share” > Check “Start at” > Copy the link.
6Reminder to Take BreaksSend notifications to take a break while watching.Go to “Settings” > “General” > Enable “Remind me to take a break.”
7Watch Videos in 360° or VRAllows immersive viewing with 360° or VR mode.Use a VR headset or select “360°” from the video settings.
8Pause Search and Watch HistoryStops YouTube from tracking search/watch activity.Go to “Settings” > “History & Privacy” > Enable “Pause watch history.”
9Keyboard ShortcutsProvides quick controls for video playback.Press ‘K’ (Play/Pause), ‘J’ (Rewind), ‘L’ (Forward), etc.
10Pinch to ZoomZooms in on videos for a closer view.Pinch the screen while watching on mobile.
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